Who recieved a call or email yet?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Chalet Dude, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. monkian

    monkian New Member

    don't worry chezza just remember they are out of the office till tomorow sohe earliest you can expect is tomorow...

    i know it will be good news!!!
  2. chezza

    chezza New Member

    hope so!!!!! il post ne news i have!!!
  3. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    Thier hours are 9:30am till 5 just so ya'll know just for information!!
  4. i am...

    i am... New Member


    i received the AWESOME news yesterday, but was WAY too excited to come and post anything, so i thought that today was as good a day as any! :D
    i was TOTALLY psyched when i got "the call" from eric yesterday. i am starting aug. 8th in F&B, and august can't come any sooner! sooooo EXCITED to be meeting all of you, and i know that we will have TONS of fun!

    HOLLA! ::)
  5. Nitsa

    Nitsa New Member

    Yay :D Someone else who goes Aug 8!! Congrats!!
  6. i am...

    i am... New Member

    i'm assuming that you're also there aug. 8th?.....f&b as well?
  7. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Heya "I am"!
    Congrats on getting the news! It looks like we'll be working together, I look forward to seeing you're arrival party in Aug and getting to be there for all your Throw-ins!!
  8. i am...

    i am... New Member

    HOLLA!!!... ;)

    hahaha....i'm TOTALLY in!...soooooo psyched, and i can't wait to meet everyone!...and what true canadian isn't down for a party?
    hahahaha.....now all together, "P-A-R-T...Y?....cuz we GOTTA!"
  9. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    well, no call back from cast-a-way..considering that everyone else on here has heard by now i'm thinking it's a really bad sign that they haven't called..it's a shame..to have your dream crushed...but oh well!
  10. i am...

    i am... New Member

    hey queens girl!

    think happy thoughts... ;) have you called cast-a-way at all?
  11. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    yeah i called them twice today and left a message.
  12. i am...

    i am... New Member

    keep your hopes up, i'm sure that "the call" is on the way...and i KNOW that the waiting is the worst part, but when you do find out, it all seems worth it in the end!....were you @ the toronto interviews?
  13. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    yeah i was....i was pretty confident that i would get the position from things jeff said at the interview..but now that everyone has gotten phone calls and has found out their results, i'm a lot less optimistic, that's all...but thanks for the support!
  14. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    wooooo lots of good news in this thread then ;D ;D

    congrats guys!!!

    hopefully our UK thread will be looking similar to this one within a few days ;D
  15. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    Hey QueenGirl........

    DON'T GIVE UP GIRL!! I was TOTALLY giving up today as well, left the message and was waiting but I TOTALLY called back time and time again!!
  16. monkian

    monkian New Member


    I am ...¿tu llegas de agosto? ¡¡¡A mi tambien!!! but i arrive on the 25th and will be working in uk merch!!!

    p.s any native spanish speakers about please don't ridicule my bad spanish..i'm only learning!!!!!!!!!
  17. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    I finally got through!!! And i got a position!!! F & B JULY 18!!!! WAY earlier than I expected...and than other people seem to be going..but that's fine with me! less time to wait!
    I wonder when they were planning on telling me...
    Is anyone else leaving that day?
  18. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    Congrats QueensGirl!!! That's great! I'm leaving June 13th for F&B, only a month before. Looks like we'll be working together. :D Do you have msn?
  19. monkian

    monkian New Member

  20. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

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