who wears thongs?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by emma, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    the brazillian ones were the only ones i was talkinga bout..sorry bout that...
  2. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    thanks for the clarification Liz :p
  3. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    Girls do not wear thong bikinis, they sort of show too much ...

    A regular cool bikini is the best
  4. alemanolga

    alemanolga New Member

    You're right baby !
  5. emma

    emma New Member

    ok lets face it.........not many girl girls look that great in a thong altho they do totally prevent VPL!!! i agree liz "booty shorts" or like french knickers we call them....are hot....bums look way nicer and they sort out any unweanted wobblys! great stuff......hum should we move on2 bras?
  6. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    hahah woobly's great word emma..im stealing it from you! haha...bras i hate bras..honestly soo uncomfortable...unless u're pyaing the big bucks for soem fancy smancy one!....
  7. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    ALL my friends, without exception, wear thongs...I can't see what the big deal is! Who'd want a piece of material shoved up your bum crack all day!! SO uncomfortable....and the cause of certain female problems too!! french knickers...or boy shorts as I like to call them....ALL THE WAY!!!!

    Ellen x :D
  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    yeah totally agree with u ellen!!I hate the things!i find them uncomfortable and french knickers are so much fancierand comfortable than a piece of floss up the bum,
    .but sum gals do get used tot hem afta a while athey prob find them comfortable now.

    I remeber VPL...my friends used to go on about them all the time!!! and we were just 13!!..... :D :D

  9. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I think it's just something you will get used to ( like many other things we girls have to go through ::) ). I like thongs way better on tight jeans or nice dressy pants, because panty lines just suck. And there are very comfortable thongs, too ( I love my VS collection ;D ). I do like the booty shorts for sleeping or on a very hot day! You will see a lot of thong bikinis in Miami, probably some around the Commons pool, too. But I do agree that I like a regular bikini much better! There is no need to stick out your ass to everyone out there.

  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    yeah miamis the place for thong bikinis..yeah thats for the gals who wanna probs getta tanned bum.

    yeah tight jeans ,maybe cos knickers probs go up ur ass anyways lol....hmm yes i dont like it when gals were thong bikins in water parks as
    igts a fmaily place

    xx :)
  11. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    wow Emma look at what your started lol (very nice :) )
  12. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    LOL Emma knows how to make you guys happy ::)

  13. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    And we thank her
  14. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    It's always the same, we never get anything back for all we give to the guys! lol :p
  15. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Why don't you boys start a similar discussion about yourselves to balance it out a bit!?!?! :D

    Ellen xxx
  16. Craig-E-D

    Craig-E-D New Member

    I award this the best thread of 2005 so far!! ;D ;D lol
  17. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    What could you possibly want to know about us Ellen? :p
  18. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    emma, thank u! ;D lol!
  19. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    haha..everyone on these boards..crack me right up! :D
  20. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    How about what underwear you guys prefer to wear!?!? boxers, y-fronts, tighty-whiteys (or whatever they're called!)...or maybe you're all partial to a bit of thong-age!!


    Ellen xxx :D

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