not sure if this is true, but sounds fun anyway ;D ;D To generate media coverage of our recently expanded Extra Magic Hours benefit to include evening options, Extra Magic Hour at the Magic Kingdom on Wednesday, March 9 will be themed as a pajama party. Guests 12 and under are invited to wear pajamas to the offering on that evening. In addition to additional time to enjoy the attractions that operate during the evening Extra Magic Hours, guests will find additional surprises in the park to celebrate the evening option. The big event of the evening will be an attempt to break the current world record for Largest Pillow Fight as currently represented in the Guiness Book of World Records. To set a new world's record, we will need to have at least 2,800 guests participate in the Pillow Fight. Guests who are interested in participating will be provided with specific sign up information at the Extra Magic Hour wristband distribution locations on Wednesday.
wow if thats true that would be sooo cool!!! pillow fights are the greatest not matter how old you are. we had one on a college trip once. at first thought we were being really immature, but naaah they're great!
i got it off this disney news website... but i don't aactually think its true... will find out tomorrow if it actually happens :
Hiya Gals and Guys, Hey it seems that massive pillow fights are getting popular around the world. The doctors say that it makes u relax and u drive all ur stress and courage out So u feel way nice once it is over. Hey but they can be dangerous, As for me, once one pillow gave me a scar. because it hit my nose rite were the have sew it. It was really painful. See ya Robb ;D
I just asked a friend of mine that's doing the college program now. He said he'd heard about it, didn't know details, but he'd find out for me! I'll keep you guys updated. It's my spring break right now, so I won't be online that often. Your best bet is to try IMing me on Yahoo!. I'll get the message if I've been offline.
Hey Gals and Guys, Hey u know , pillows are really fun. Guess we will have some ar our apartments. That would be so COOL!!! Robb ;D