Hey Any of u guys know anything about the HRC program? How long it lasts? What visa is it? Where u live? etc Thanks fellow Alumni Dan
As far as I know the HRC is part of the cultural rep program and is a store in the UK pavilion. You are not considered a Disney Cast Member (but rather an employee of a participant), so you don't get all of the same perks. You live in the commons but pay higher rent than your roomates. I know there's people on here who've worked there and can explain the store and pros/cons better. and if you have an actual program in mind disregard everything I said but I know nothing of an HRC program.
hey Chrissi its been on my mind a lot lately...I have to be out there. Well jealous ur goin back! Hi ellen wanted to know how long the visa is? where u live? How much it costs? general breakdown really! thanks and keep up the awesome work on the 'I was a UK Merchie' group on facebook!! dan
Well, if there's some new programme that you can go and do on it, then I don't know anything about that...I worked in HRC as part of the International Programme...so everything about the visa, length of stay, costs etc were the same as everyone else! Has it become a J1 thing?? Best bet is to email them... heraldic00@aol.com - Bev's the owner so I'm sure she can tell you everything you need to know if it's some kind of new thing she's introduced! When were you there originally?? and no probs about the facebook group! I can't believe no-one had made one already! god bless the internet! Ellen x
Cool thanks for that. Will give her a buzz. Did u enjoy it? Ive heard that HRC wasnt the most amazing of jobs...not that crown and death were!hehe i was there from April 03 - May 04, my manager was paula but she left a while ago. i worked with Brenda and peggy tho, they were cool. I knew briefly Jill anne and Cari! Basically im lookin the best way possible to get over there and work on it long term. Almost do a Claire. U remember her? I helped throw her in. Cheers
u can do it on part of the Cultural Rep, but there is also a scottish girl who posts on here who is doing HRC for 18 months i think, she works in the HRC shop in Magic kindgom!! no idea how she got involved with that tho and sorry i dont remember her user name either! Im sure u would find her tho if u did a search on here for HRC topics as she has likely posted on one, I think her real name may be Laura
Hi Dan! I think you could even apply to work in merch again. I think there is someone on the board who is doing f&b a second time ( Danielle18"something"). I am on a Q1 again, so it definitely won't be a visa problem. If you would have studied more German you could work at GR as well;-) ( BTW: Wie geht's?) Chrissi
I spent my entire contract with beautiful Claire (who, no doubt, may notice this discussion and contribute to it at some point!)... Honestly, HRC wasn't the best experience...but since you've already done the IP you might feel differently cos you've had all that already...whereas really being a part of merch and being employed by disney is what I missed out on and what disappointed me most! Aw Cari was the best!! I knew Brenda and Peggy as well (Peggy caught me mid-spew the morning after the night before in the break room toilets! haha!) but didn't have much to do with any of them cos they weren't my managers
Hi guys, Aw Ellen, you called me beautiful, shucks Thanks How's life with you these days? Any word on you and Chloe coming out? Danman? Is that Mr Norman? Hehe. How's work going? You could try and apply for the Q1 again to do merch and specify you want to work in HRC, though it might be tough as there are alot of people from the UK applying to the IP. To do the IP again but in HRC would be a wee bit different. You rent is more expensive and you only get a Disney ID - no maingate or health insurance through Disney. But you would be a Commons boy again.....ohh i should warn everyone if you're going out, hehe, just kidding. Laura is doing the exact same program I did with HRC. She came out in July last year and is out for 18 months on the J1. She basically replaced me as i left at the end of May. We used to have to work in MK as well, but now Sharon owns and operates MK separately (i don't think she has internationals working cos of her own visa, she needs Americans working for her i believe). My application process took about 3 to 4 months, it might be fast now as i did everything as i was the first one to do the program there. I'll explain more if you want to know. If you want more info on the J1 process, PM or email me and i'll give you as much as i can, and Sharon's email if you want to ask her too. I'll be honest that i hated HRC, and if it hadn't been for Bryan, and the cool folks i worked with (Annie, Ellen - the dancing queens of HRC-and those on the IP, when Clyde wasn't around-hide) i might not have stuck it out. However, if you can handle crown and death, and the wodnerful cart you could probably handle anything. In HRC you can't skive like on the IP. Though you do framing, wrapping, and answer a lot of annoying questions about wearing suits of armour and hanging from the chandaliers (rememebr those Ellen?). If Lauras doing exactly what i did then i did inventory, and i started a customer database, mailing sheet for xmas, supply orders and a few other things. On the J1 you have to find your own place to live. Theres a few other wee things but i'll tell you those later if you want to know. Take care
Oh inventory...what a joy it was to count those bloody Ireland sweatshirts...the number came out different every time I did it!! Examples of annoying guest questions/comments in HRC: "This name history isn't correct...I've done more research and I can prove my family came from [blah blah blah]...." "So do I win a prize if my name's in this book?" "My family came over on the Mayflower!" "My last name's Wallace...my family were related to William" "I'm Scotch-Irish" (excuse me sir/madam...THERE'S NO SUCH THING!!!!!!! Claire, I watched an interview with Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas the other day on Lorraine Kelly and she said that!! It made me think of you! ) x x x
Thanks for all the info CPB!! Im at at a x-roads right now over what to do as far as a job goes. I dont wanna leave what im doin but just feel like im stuck in a rut!!! Will let u know if i need anymore info. Thanks again and thanks ellen for Bevs email. Is it easy to find property to rent in orlando? Where abouts? Danman
It depends where exactly you want to live. Check out www.rent.com. Its free to register and it shows you listings of places you can rent. It asks you to select move in date and month - just put anything in and it will show you whats available. If you decide to come out you'll be able to enquire at places closer to the time. Rent can start from $600 depending which area you live. Closer to the Lake Buena Vista area you're talking about $800+ a month.
Hi Dan! I've been once to a apartement complex right next to Vista where quite a lot of American cms lived. Ask Lindsey about it, she had some friends there.