Celebrity encounters?

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by SarahJane, May 15, 2005.

  1. sutherz

    sutherz New Member

    I was working podium at boma, when this blonde woman comes up and says she has a booking under some name. I tell her 15 minutes and give the pager to her husband... STEVEN TYLER!!! it was the drummers wife and i didnt pay enough attention. Then i met (all at boma) the rock, nsync, eddie murphy, vannilla ice, john kerry's wife, wayne brady, and played djemba drums with michael j fox. and we had to get to work at 4:30 in the morning to serve breakfast to michael eisner.
  2. tinkerbell**

    tinkerbell** New Member

    I met Fantasia Barrino when I was on the Tower of Terror if that counts as a celebrity encounter lol, she was soooooooo nice and I was so excited when I saw her cuz i LOVE American Idol lol
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    omg..i love that jim.c. guy hes so coool!!

    i want to go back to disney

    boo hooooo
  4. belle

    belle New Member

    The ones I remember...it's been so long....are:
    Tom Hanks
    Tara Lipinski (figure skater)
    The little kid from Jerry McGuire
  5. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member


    we had this norwegian comedian visit us one time, can't remember his name....
    and Jason Alexander took our ride not to long ago... you know... george from seinfeld...
  6. trixi_lix

    trixi_lix New Member

    British soap stars........

    I sold a strawberry tart from the tea cart to 'Kevin Webster' from Coronation Street and dinner on the upper decking of the Rose and Crown to 'Ian the squeal Beale' from 'enders. He had fish and chips! And a pint of lager!

    Michael J Fox also stopped by one night behind the pub at the little viewing area we used for functions etc to see Illuminations and I also saw Montell Williams from the US tv talk show.

    Unfortunately no-one as exciting as chad michael murray or the n*sync boys.....I dont suppose anyone's seen any of the OC guys??!!! I Love Seth!!!!!

    fi xx

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