I'm applying for a job and I haven't put disney on my CV cos I just finished the program. What did you guys write in yours?
I just put it down as Cultural Representative Walt Disney World year long contract. I've never actually been asked what I did though and I didn't really put anything on my CV about details.
If you big it up on your resume then it will be picked up on. My last trip out for a year to america has been a talking point at every interview I've ever had and seen as a plus in my corner when applying. But depending on the relevance of the work to what you're applying for... if you want to be in customer service and they read you were trained by disney it's a huge bonus as Disney are highly respected for their customer service.
The only problem is disney can not be used as a reference, as there is no way of them contacting disney or your managers as they move around all the time. Kinnda suck having to explain why they cant contact them. but still good to put on your resume.
Did you not get a review at the end that you could use as a reference? I don't know if it's just a CP thing, but at the end of my programme they gave me an assessment of my performance, whcih had whether I was poor/below expectations/meets expectations/above expectations/exceptional for about 10 statements and then had a box at the end where my "homeroom leader" had written a more personal section. I think they keep that on file, so it might be worth contacting them to see if they have a copy you could use for a reference? Definitely something worth having... As for putting it on the CV, I've put down stuff like how you work and live with such a range of people, the high level of customer service they expect and also dedication from you as a staff member (12 hour shifts/ 6 day weeks and not many opportunities for call-ins? Shows you're a hard-worker for sure!), etc. Don't need to elaborate too much as I'm sure it'll get picked up on in most interviews, especially as it'll be your most recent job if you've just got back though
ip participants only get a letter of completion and no type of review. it dosent even specify you job title in it it just says cultural rep.