I am going to Disney next tuesday...!!!

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by RCP, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. RCP

    RCP New Member

    I am so confusing about the feelings, I feel strange going there again, preparing my bags and everything to visit the parks, I will spend the next week over there, and I guess it will be shocking to be there without belonging really... whitout can go backstage or staying at the hotel instead my apartment 1918, I will go to P.I. on thursday... wow Its really weird this feeling, but I am so excited to be thera again, to see my managers and work locations, to go shopping and see Illuminations after 9 months!!!

    Maybe it is so soon to come back, but I am going... everything is booked and planned... I only have a day to redo every park... now I am depending on the tickets... It's not like all access as before!

    Wish me luck!
    And envy me... I am kidding...! I will see Disney with all the christmas decoration! I will do the candle light for the first time, the past year i was serving tables with no tips cause the candle light and I couldn't see It, even I serve Edward James Olmos! one of the Candle Light readers!

  2. SarahJane

    SarahJane New Member

    I felt the same way when I went back. I wanted to take short cuts backstage, and eat lunch for cheap in the cast member cafeteria at Magic Kingdom....etc...

    I took my husband, and I tried to tell him stories and take him certain places...it's funny though, how people who didn't work there don't "get it".

    One thing though, ask around when you get there. I went to PI on a Thursday, and it was DEAD! Hardly a soul in sight....Truly disappointing. :-\
  3. Louisa

    Louisa New Member

    I am so jeallous
  4. Rudy

    Rudy New Member

    when i was there a couple of years ago, a few people went on a thurs but the majority of us went on a monday, that's when all the 'drinking teams' went out.

  5. SusyKopata

    SusyKopata New Member

    I am soooooo jealous!!!! Even if I had the money, I CANT go into america cause I do not have a VISA... it sucks!!! The waiting list for getting one go all the way to june 2005!!! It is really unlucky to be mexican sometimes! haha! Well... Have fun Ruby and say hello from me to all the crazy ppl from the mexican pavillion2s kitchen! specially to Nestor!

    Have lots and lots of fun!



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