I dont know about everyone else but I lost contact with a lot of people down the road and as of today, I didn't even know this website existed. Have you guys lost touch with anyone from disney that you miss? I know I have!!!!
Ive lost touch with two of my best friends who i also lived with, but thankfully i'll see one of them again in feb
we've just done a program called autumn magic for 2 months basically filling in the spaces for people who dropped out of the summer program, we had originally applied for the cultural rep program (12 mth) which we got, so we're going back!
hey matty, I have also been looking on here trying to catch up with some of the people from the old days, hope all is well with you and if I remember correctly I am still the madden playstation champ! Cheers, Terry Can F&B 9-2000
now terry no need to start all these lies. You know I was the king. I've now moved to X box and is now the champ for Madden. Unless of course you think you can take me? I added you to my msn so get back to me, are you still in ottawa? What's new? Married and kids? Can't wait to hear from you
There we go...some Millenium cast!! Terry and Matt...it's Alison from Merch. I have also lost touch with a bunch, but stay in touch with quite a few. A whole bunch of us: Paul K, Natasha S, Lee-Anne, Shawn G, Amy, Mark, Shandi, Derek and I, work in downtown T.O. within like 4 blocks of each other (a lot at the Royal York in fact), so we do a "lunch club" gathering when we can. That reminds me to set up another. So, if anyone else from the 99/00 crew is in Toronto and wants to join in, let me know! Also, Tracy Lynn just had a going away party before heading back to PEI, so a bunch of us saw each other then. Hope you are both well...sad that we all grew up and got real lives and jobs! ali
hey matt, hows things with you buddy?? hope life is treating you well. im back working in florida again for a travel company, been here since april on a year contract again. take it easy mate, Gareth
I'm so Jealous Gareth, your back in florida. My address is mattyj26@sympatico.ca keep in touch Gareth maybe I will come see you
wish i knew you were out there mate, i would have went for a beer with you down at the Cricketers or Cheers, was there in June. hope you're having a good time. take care Paul
I think it happens to all of us. I am still in touch with a lot of people, but have also lost touch with some good friends. The worst for me are the people that move just as much as I do, because they are hard to track down after a while. It's nice to still have some good friends all over the world though, provides for some great vacations ;D
Terry, Message me on facebook when you are coming down again, and we can try to do it during that. ali
I am a memebr on FACEBOOK(and its free) for just a few weeks and allreday I have found over 20 old Disney friends- People get out your old leaving book and start looking. Its great to reconnect again . A lot of us are enve talking about meeting up sometime down the road!!