Who had the worst mystery shop then? I remember one of my pals who shal remain nameless. She got a mystery shop of 1% - for being there. She got caught at the back of pringles behind the counter, on the phone to her colleague in another store saying how much she hated being there and wanted to leave! Any other "good" ones!?
thats a good one.... i dont remember anyone getting really bad scores when i was there.. althought some of us hardly ever did the whole guidelines.. it was so boring noone could be bothered.. most of our managers could not hide to save their lifes so u always knew when u were being shopped each month by them, so u would always do them when they were around.. the only prob was with realy mystery shoppers from other areas who we didnt know!!! we had a few bad reports like playing piggy in the middle in the toy shop with eeyore.. dont know why we didnt use piglet but hey... the good thing was if we knew that we may have been caught messing around, we would quickly phone the 'Take 5' line and pretend it was a special guest interaction.. lol.. charlie..
I got shopped by one of my former managers. Duh! I turned it on large and got 100% But I also got to go mystery shopping with my manager Ed. We went to Imag, the Living Seas and Mexico where we got to eat lunch. It was fun and sneeky and I got a free lunch out of it. Every month a manager has to take a cast-member with them and do some secret shopping. So if you ever see someone on the program with one of their managers in people clothes and a little black fanny pack (no, not that kind of fanny pack) and palm you know what their up to.
No Dan - not as such - you might get audited though (when you're in a service position), which means serving a manager or executive. That happens from time to time. Or, you might get watched or observed as you work. It's just so they can make sure you're sticking to the standards and guidelines. It's nothing really to worry about - just be aware of your managers' whereabouts! But, also, just as easily, it could be a manager you don't know! Just make sure you stick to what you're supposed to be doing and keep your eyes peeled for blue ID cards - they're the managers!!!! Hope this helpsÂ
well.. I think uk pavilion was awsome at mystiry shoppers. all I heard from this unlucy person and about the rest of uk merch was fights and problems. I worked in norway merch and I never saw a mystery shopper for my hole year. At least i never got to hear from them. I actually work as a mystiry shopper back home. it was fun. you feel a little bit like a secret agent.
Here's the key to spotting mystery shoppers. Look for a nice shirt, nice trousers, often a pair of sunglassses. Basically a manager-type person without his name tag. I never got a mystery shopper while in Merchandise, but in the Attraction I did. But I can spot those people miles and miles away! So I was overly friendly and helpful, hehe!
Entertainment is confusing, because the mystery guests are from other departments that know how we should act and interact. One day, I was working in a new location, in a costume I had JUST tried to get dissapproved in, and I was on turnaround, so I was TIRED... The manager tried to give me points (the bad kind) for "not animating enough." I refused to sign the paper because she was harrassing me into signing it. And she tried to make me clothe myself when it's impossible. When she had her back turned, whoever was near me would help me put my costume on. Everyone else in the break area called the manager of the entertainment department in that park to complain. Needless to say, I didn't have to sign that paper...I'm wondering if she got terminated... :-X Lessons here: 1- DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING IF THEY HARASS YOU...go right to THEIR manager. 2- When you're having a shitty day, and everyone feels bad, they will help you. Your department is your family. I love my Orlando Department family (And I'm sure you guys will become my CP/IP family!)