Hey guys everything keep changing, I still can face the fact that my year in Commons has gone when I have to deal with a new forum puting in the past all my writen memories, worries, the post when I was applicant, current accepted candidate, counting down to go, and so on till the day i became Alumni... Wow a long time almost 3 years in the forum, since my first post to the last one in the now old forum, and what an honor to begin with the post in here...the new alumni room, in the new WDWIP forum... well such is life, c'est la vie, asi es la vida... we go on...keep moving but keep in tuch ok... RUBEN Mexican for sure! Apt. 1918 MArch 2003-2004 Commons Forever! F&B
hey wich commons virgin is you?? nice to see the new forum, thought it s weird to get use to it again ZPS
hey, hello so i see all the post has been deleted, and all the pics, so lets start again, beter that ever jeje... we can do it...
ok so now i m gonna try to post a pic to update in my profile...oh but can we still do that?? let me chek eur...i dont see post a pic in the option...can we still post pic??? ZPS
Nice look!! but you have to get used to it!! now we have to tell all the funny stories again!!! cya soon Lonja
Well here we go again!!! I have to say that this new board is going to take some getting used to!! I wish that all of my old posts were still here and everybody elses, it's nice to go back once in a while to see what has been written over the past years but I guess we'll have to post some old memories all over again, it will help us remember some of the good times that we might have forgotten!! :-* Cheryl
Hey guys how u get your post counts in this new system... I want mine...! Tell me pls... what I have to do.Munch or ZPs! RUBEN
hey RCP, very easy just send an e mail to admin@wdwip.com with your old name and the new one and he will update it how nice of him ;D ZPS
Thanks ZPS I got my count...great is like recover a part of my disney history lol...how corny sounds that! But u got the idea right! lol More questions... where the Mickey! is the option to add pics in the mesages! ??? ??? ??? RUBEN
man i was good at the old forum~! why did they have to go and change it on me! well here's to doin it all over again!!! laters! Laura!
Hey all Cartwheel here it is good to see that people are still on the wdwip site. I thnk this new one is going to take getting use to but it's all good. But it like you said it is nice to see th old pics and posts to look back on but I am sure that it will fill up pretty fast in here. Cartwheel Oct 00 Oct 01
I am not sure if this is a problem only here or what... but I can not access the old forum rooms..can u? RUBEN I need to write down some adresses that I had there and never copied them!
Hola!! RUBEN: I can't access the old forums either!! :-\ Just so you know it is not you!! How have you been? What are you up to after Orlando? SALUDOS!! BYE! STIBY
Hey Ruben my friend Don't be sad about this, we had a lot of fun... we have to move on now !! And now you have friends all over the world !! Cheer up Buddy !!