guys i went to work in a summer camp last summer on a j-1 visa which expired in october, i am now goin on holiday to florida in april and was wondering do you have to send ur passport to have the visa sticker removed of will it all be cool when i get to immigration any help asap would be greatly appreciated xxxx
No you don't need to get it removed I went there on holiday a few months after I finished my CRP and there was no trouble about it
I would actually call immigration and double check, they are supossed to remove your visa (the card part thats stapled in your passport not the stamp) when you leave the US after your program. But since they don't see alot of the type of visa we were given alot of border guards don't know this and they leave it in, which can cause problems if you get a grumpy immigrations officer next time you enter the US. I mean, 99.9% of the time it's not an issue but I would call and talk to someone just to be on the safe side
thanks guys, just wanted to shut the mother up cos she's worried how bad immigration will be and i dont want to hold the rest of the party up