Time off for ICP

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by kaity788, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. kaity788

    kaity788 New Member

    Just a question for those of you that did the ICP, how does time off work? Can you ever request a day or two off? I have some friends who were thinking of going to FL this summer and I'm just wondering if I can schedule a couple days off (if I get into the program...still gotta do the f2f!) when they are going to be in the Orlando area. Also, does your schedule change every week or do you tend to work the same days and times?
  2. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    My boyfriend came twice and I managed to get four or five days off each time. You can always put shifts up for grabs on the Hub, if they won't give you actual days off. You just need to work enough each week to pay your rent.

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