weight gain!

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by emma, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. belle

    belle New Member

    I was gonna say the same the Mylittle pony just said. I think for European in general - we're just not used to all that fat!! Food and eating in the US is so different from here. Even thogh you try not to chose the fried stuff you most times end up with something with alot more calories that you're used to.

    Which is why I guess we have to be extra careful ;)
  2. Yeah, I agree, even here in Canada our food is not as processed as it is in the US...but I'm sure our food is FAR more unhealthy than European foods.

    SarahJane - I bet it's easier for Canadians to maintain their weight in Florida for that very reason.

    I'm not one to "watch" what I eat...but I will be doing alot of calorie burning walking at work and dancing and what not...I could go either way LOL maybe I'll stay the same :p

    (also, I didn't realise we were having such a debate about weight gain! :D lol)

    Ohh! Here is a question...does Florida have lots of nice fresh fruits...being so close to the Caribbean...
  3. KC

    KC New Member

    Tessa, you're kidding right? :p

    There's an orange county... WDW was built on orange groves as far as I know.

    Fresh fruit is what Floriday is all aboot!

    Yaaaaaaaay for yummy OJ! :D

  4. Linda-bo-binda

    Linda-bo-binda New Member

    That's what I expected! Unfortunately I didn't see a lot of local produce, I think partly due to hurricane destruction and also because so much is imported from Central/South America. The Wal-Mart produce terrified me so I used to walk to Publix -- more expensive but totally worth it! Tessa (and anyone else from BC!), honestly nothing in Florida was near the quality we get at home. Georgia peaches have nothing on the Okanagan baby!

  5. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    Remember, even though you might stuff your face with vegetables and fruits... take your vitamins! Cuz US produce have none!
  6. SarahJane

    SarahJane New Member

    You're right..everyone's right...US food IS worse than the rest of the world...but still, even in Canada it's not as bad as in the US. We have different regulations on food processing and restaurants than in the US.

    But even so, if you do go to McD's you have the choice of salad vs a McCrapYourAss burger...or going to the grocery store, but fresh chicken vs Kraft Dinner. Eating healthier is more expensive, sure, but worth every penny.

    And whose to stop anyone from working out? Doing a few laps in the pool, taking a jog or walk after work...you name it!

    Anyways, sorry if it seems like I'm ranting...it's just that this IS controlable!! ;D
  7. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Not sure if I posted this already (couldn't be bothered to look back), but I gained my few pounds AFTER I got home...back to mom cooking and eating all the things I had missed for a year. GRRRR!!!

  8. SarahJane

    SarahJane New Member

    I hear ya on that one!! God I missed mom's cooking!
  9. jenindisney

    jenindisney New Member

    I was there in 2001 and was really looking foward to eating lots of florida oranges but all I could find in the grocery store were grose looking oranges gown in California.....so weird!! there are some local vedors that you can find on the street though.

    I actually went to disney after completing a degree in Nutrition and I still gained about 10-15 lbs. I tried to eat healthy, I ate alot of salads and made salads and sandwiches for lunch......plus I danced my ass off at PI all the time.

    I guess it was all the drinking and late night eating at Bennigans. I came home in the middle for a wedding and I went on slim fast for 2 weeks to lose 10lbs so I could fit into my bridesmaid dress. When I came back to florida I gained it back as fast as I lost it.

    After disney I worked at club med and was very active there and got to eat really fabulous food everyday, so I lost the weight pretty easily.
  10. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    I heard somewhere (maybe it was on the forum, I lose track...;)) that you can become a member of the resort gyms for $20 a month or something?

    Living in France, and living opposite a bakery which does the most AMAZING chocolate covered meringues ;D does make staying in shape a bit tough!! I think I'm only saved because I only drink occasionally and also cos I gave up junk food for Lent! ;)
  11. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    ExCUSE me?!!! I havn't been told about all this!!! Sounds like military boot camp!
    Christ I better get practising!
  12. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    I'm actually thinking I'll lose weight if anything.
    I'll be buying my own food and it'll be easier to get into a routine.
    I won't have my boyfriend with me pushing candy in my face.
  13. I'm not working there yet but whenever I have been there on holiday there I have always lost weight.
  14. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    I wouldn't necessarily count on that! It's so easy and cheap to eat out or order in food! I ate out like ten times more often in the US than I normally do!
  15. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    yay! that post about characters having to work out makes me so happy-- I am never motivated to work out by myself and this first year of uni has been brutal, i've gained weight for sure, because I went from dancing 16 hours a week to dancing 1 hour a week. If my job forces me to work out, maybe i'll get back into shape!!
  16. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i think i put on about 30 lbs working for disney!
  17. lish

    lish New Member

    Something no one mentioned....

    What do people look like in bathing suits? Should we be worried if we have a big ass? or are people not perfect at the pool?

    Tell me of my worries!

    Also..i agree with the canadians food being sorta similar to the us, but better for us.
    I think it will be pretty easy to maintain my weight while there, i usually get sick (my pride and my belly) after eating greasy mcdonalds, i dont really eat anything deep fried but fries, (i imagine i will eat a beavertail or two.. per week) and stick to un-cheesed items.

    Planning in Action!
  18. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Of course not everyone looks perfect! People are different in disney too, you have people in all shapes and sizes...
  19. Chrissie

    Chrissie New Member

    ^^Don't worry about it. Orlando is a place where anything goes!

    I remember when we first started going out to PI and we used to get all dressed up, heels and all and we soon realised there was no need. Everyone was so casual and relaxed in beach clothes and flip flops. So we saved our feet some pain! lol
  20. spud

    spud New Member

    During my time down in Florida, a lot of the guys lost weight, and a lot of the girls put on some weight. After 14+ months I lost around 20+ lbs!!! :)

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