neither neither...MGM ALL THE WWAYYY,,,, hey does anyone remember doug...from the CPprogram...awwwwwwwwwwwww he sooo has nothing to do with reminded me..with that huge cheesy grin..he had best smile EVA....i love america...lmao anywaysssssssssss... i adore DIsney MGM!! personal fave!!!1
considering i have never been i wouldnt know but will soon find out ;D I think it will probably be magic kingdom tho
MGM all the way!!!!!! Animal kingdom is a close second tho. but to be honest the competition kicks disneys ass!!!! Universals Islands of Adventure is the best park out there!!!!! Gareth
EPCOT! And that was even before I did the program. I love the idea of it! Not the best one with the rides ( considering that Test Track is out of order like once a day at least haha ), I know, but it's still my number one! Julia
epcot...because it's not sooo disney... at tinkerbell: i think i know who you mean! he was really cute!
hmmm i think i missed something there with that doug guy :-\ too busy looking around epcot i guess haha
The Magic Kingdom. Definately. Followed closely by Epcot then the studios... Not a huge AK fan... Though Everest might change that
Animal Kingdom because of the Safari, but MGM is a v.close second. Then MK then Epcot. Truthfully they are all hairs apart, I love em all.
definitely the MGM-Studios! the aerosmith rock'n roller coaster is one of the best rides ever! the twilight tower of terror is great too.... ;D